OYT MACS Trip Day 7: Brixham

Tuesday 8th August 2023

0700 hrs

Everybody woke and had breakfast. Then a 'super happy hour', a really deep boat clean.

1000 hrs

The voyage wrap up talk and certificates handed out to all of the crew.

1100 hrs

The crew depart and the Sea Staff start Prolific's weekly and monthly checks. The new members of Sea Staff start to arrive and the current ones pack and get ready for departure.

1300 hrs

With the boat safely handed over to the new skipper and crew Andy B suggested we all head into Brixham for coffee and a cake. We found The Chart Room, this is a delightful Cunard themed coffee shop, turns out the owner used to be a steward on ocean going liners.

1430 hrs

Back on Prolific and we collect our kit and had a farwell hug before heading back home.

An amazing trip that left me very humble given the lack of vision that many of the crew had.

All times are UTC.

OYT MACS Trip Day 6: Fowey - Brixham

Monday 7th August 2023

0700 hrs

We were getting well practiced at getting up early.

Cast off from the mooring and motored up river to turn Prolific, giving a good view of the commercial docks. On our return down river a Mexican Wave was performed for Rhona II.

0900 hrs

Out at sea and the sails hoisted, the plan was to take Prolific past Berry Head, over Tor Bay and into Anstey’s Cove. Dinner in the cove then back to Brixham after sunset.

1300 hrs

Crossing Tor Bay and enjoying being in waters that I have sailed before in both Aphrodite and my old boat.

1800 hrs

I was given the helm to get the boat anchored - this could be interesting as I've never helmed at slow speed let alone slow speed in an anchorage with other boats about – no pressure!

With Prolific safely at anchor we ate supper and chilled out for a while waiting for sun set and a short night passage.

2000 hrs

Just as the sun set with the last of the light we raised the anchor and motored across the bay back to Brixham then tied up Prolific in the dark.

2230 hrs

Lights out and sleep before the crew leave in the morning.

All times are UTC.

The Log

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 14h 15m 71 4.90 7.00 2h 00m
Trip: 33h 55m 187 5.66 9.00 2h 00m

Crew: Andy Brown (Skipper), Lauren, Josh, Glyn, Robert L, Jack O, Sandy Garrity and MACS crew.

Sunrise: 0452 hrs Sunset: 1955 hrs

Weather: Issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Mon 7 Aug 2023

The shipping forecast issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Mon 7 Aug 2023 for the period 01:00 (UTC+1) on Mon 7 Aug 2023 to 01:00 (UTC+1) on Tue 8 Aug 2023.

Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth

West or northwest 3 to 5, occasionally 6 in Dover. Slight, occasionally moderate. Fair. Good

Met Office Synoptic Chart 07/08/2023

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 07/08/2023

OYT MACS Trip Day 5: Falmouth - Fowey

Sunday 6th August 2023

After yesterdays blow everybody woke up to a bright sunny day.

0800 hrs

After a quick cup of tea we slipped our lines from the pontoon and moved over to the fuel pontoon to load up with fuel.

Fuelling Prolific took over an hour, a breakfast of warm croissants and coffee was served on deck as we enjoyed the sunshine.

I as extremely surprised at one boat owner who got rather upset at the length of time we took to fuel up and can only think that the skipper had a tight timescale to reach a tide gate, but to be so unpleasant is beyond words especially as we had a number of young people onboard.

0950 hrs

With over a tonne of fuel added to the tanks we cast off and started the passage east to Fowey.

1015 hrs

Just off St Anthony Lighthouse we headed into wind and raised the mizzen, main, staysail and jib.

A cracking day at sea, the wind from behind the beam, sun in the sky and occasional visits by dolphins, always a delight to see.

The skipper announced he would like to see the mizzen staysail hoisted. Its not a sail I've seen hoisted so left it to the first mate and the staff engineer to sort out the hoist.

Ten minutes of noisy, flapping sail it set and another ½ knot was added to the speed. Hard work but it did look good.

As we arrived at the entrance to Fowey we dropped the sails as there were several yachts, RIBS and small motor cruisers buzzing about so we slowly motored in and looked for one of the large buoys.

1430 hrs

Launched the dinghy and attached to one of the big buoys at Fowey.

Once Prolific was rigged for a night at anchor it was time for some shore leave. The dinghy was again lowered and the crew scrambled down the netting to be run ashore.

I was allocated the first run and waited at the small pier until we all assembled before we made our way to Readymoney Cove where some of the more adventurous crew changed into swimsuits and went for a dip. I had conveniently forgotten my swimming shorts and it was not the sort of beach you would skinny dip.

Following the swim ice creams were purchased and enjoyed as we walked back to be transported back to the boat and dinner.

The dinghy drew alongside with a slight swell and as one of the crew misplaced her step she grabbed me, my life flashed in front of me as I could see that unless very careful I would be having an unplanned swim. Thankfully, I managed to remain on the pier, but left some skin there for all time.

The Log

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 4h 25m 24 4.00 8.00 0h 00m
Trip: 19h 40m 116 5.95 9.00 0h 00m

Crew: Andy Brown (Skipper), Lauren, Josh, Glyn, Robert L, Jack O, Hannah B, Sandy and MACS crew.

Sunrise: 0453 hrs Sunset: 2001 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Sun 6 Aug 2023 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Mon 7 Aug 2023

Issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Sun 6 Aug 2023


Northwest 4 or 5, occasionally 6 at first and 3 later. Rough, becoming slight or moderate. Showers. Good.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 06/08/2023

OYT MACS Trip Day 4: Storm Antoni

Saturday 5th August 2023

With a F9 in the forecast everybody was quite pleased to be staying in Falmouth, especially after the experience of the passage from Brixham to Plymouth!

The morning was spent cleaning, cooking and doing some sailing theory, as many of the crew were working towards their RYA Competent Crew certification.

We were extremely lucky that somebody who had sailed with OYT South before was serving on RFA Argus tied up at the docks and we were invited onboard for a tour of this 100 bed hospital ship.

RFA Argus from Falmouth Docks

The visit was extremely poignant as my late father served with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and his first trip docked at Falmouth.

All times are UTC.

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 0h 00m 0 0.00 0.00 0h 00m
Trip: 15h 15m 92 6.03 9.00 0h 00m

Crew: Andy Brown (Skipper), Lauren, Josh, Glyn, Robert L, Jack O, Hannah B, Sandy and MACS crew.

Sunrise: 0453 hrs Sunset: 2001 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Sat 5 Aug 2023 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Sun 6 Aug 2023.

Issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Sat 5 Aug 2023.

Wight, Portland, Plymouth

Southwest 4 increasing 5 to 7, then veering west or northwest 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 except in Wight. Slight or moderate becoming rough, then becoming very rough for a time in Portland and Plymouth. Rain or showers. Good, occasionally poor

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 05/08/2023

OYT MACS Trip Day 3: Cawsands Bay - Falmouth

Friday 4th August 2023

An early departure had been agreed and everybody was up and eating breakfast when there was a knock on the hull, we had visitors from Rona II. The skipper and two of the crew. The two skippers caught up with their news in the shed and the two crew members had a tour of Prolific and appear keen to get involved with hoisting the mizzen. Their skipper hurrying them off to the dinghy, I wonder if he was worried about losing crew as the were impressed with the size of Prolific, especially the accommodation.

While still at anchor I lead a mizzen hoist, one slight issue the downhaul did not flow freely through the cleat, but that was quickly sorted out.

0830 hrs

With the anchor weighed we were underway. While still in Cawsands and sheltered we hoisted the main before motor sailing round Penlee Point and Rame Head.

The passage to Falmouth, which I had previously taken several times, went without incident. The Sea Staff and crew settled into their watches and Prolific efficiently, which always a delight to see happen. With good winds we kept a good speed over the ground.

One quick lesson was learnt, not to say dolphins when you were doing something that needed attention as all work stopped and all eyes would be looking for would be looking for them.

1500 hrs

After passing a large cruise ship anchored in the bay we started a series of tacks to enter Falmouth Harbour. The skipper took us to the west of Black Rock and several sailing boats came in close to take pictures of us.

To our surprise, or rather dismay, one sailing boat under power overtook us on the port side about five metres off before crossing our bow! Had we put a tack in at that point goodness knows what would have happened.

Sails were quickly and efficiently dropped and we motored to Port Pendennis where we tied up alongside on B pontoon.

It was almost a year to the day that I had last berthed here after the trip from Faro in August 2022.

The skipper was paying close attention to the depth of water and trundled off to the marina office and came back with their detailed chart. Asked for the lead line and he and the second mate took a series of soundings round the boat, before consulting the chart again. It had become apparent that we would be sat on the bottom at low water and after consultation with the marina we moved to A pontoon.

The skipper then gathered the sea staff to look at the chart in detail and comment on it. A fascinating 20 minutes looking at their chart and being asked some challenging questions about it.

The forecast for the following day was not good, NW F9 and the decision was taken to stay in Falmouth for two nights.

All times are UTC.

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 7h 15m 52 5.50 9.00 0h 0m
Trip: 15h 15m 92 6.03 9.00 0h 0m

Crew: Andy Brown (Skipper), Lauren, Josh, Glyn, Robert L, Jack O, Hannah B, Sandy and MACS crew.

Sunrise: 0448 hrs Sunset: 2000 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 4 Aug 2023 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Sat 5 Aug 2023

Issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Fri 4 Aug 2023


Northwest, backing southwest later, 4 to 6. Moderate or rough becoming slight or moderate. Showers. Good, occasionally moderate

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© Met Office Synoptic Chart 04/08/2023

OYT MACS Trip Day 2: Brixham - Cawsands Bay

Thursday 3rd August 2023

We agreed an early start and after breakfast got up on deck to slip lines. I was wondering where the promised sailing conditions, bright sunshine and a steady F4 from the SW, had gone as we had heavy rain overnight and visibility was poor.

0840 hrs
Lines slipped from the pontoon and we were off. A few fishing boats maneuvering in the harbour and a Dutch sailing boat departing just before us.

Just out of the harbour the fishing boats roared past us and the Dutch boat was hoisting sails. We then started with winch drills – teaching or reminding everybody to make sure hands did not get jammed and that pinkies not thumbs should be towards the winch!

0940 hrs
Winch training completed we hoisted sails just south of Berry Head and settled into our watches in a good sailing breeze.

1100 hrs
Time for the Man Overboard drill, I hear there is a move afoot to get this changed to 'Person In the Water', Bob was flung into Start Bay and we swung into action, the crew pointing and Sea Staff getting ready to hoist the Bosun overboard to collect Bob.

1130 hrs
Passing inshore of the Skerries Bank we had a close look at Start Point lighthouse and the overfalls gave us a taste of what was to come.

Interestingly, the skipper asked if I would monitor the passage through the narrow channel between Start Point and the bank on the chart.

1200 hrs
As we were now to the west of Start Point the seas had built and the forecast was correct we were experiencing rough seas. An afternoon of passing sick buckets around started as the ride was uncomfortable.

1400 hrs
A 90° course change as we turned to head for Plymouth passing the Eddystone Lighthouse and several fishing boats trawling on our way into harbour.

1630 hrs
Tucked up at anchor in Cawsands Bay in the company of five other sail training vessels: Olga, Johanna Lucretia, Pegasus and Rona II.

Several people went ashore in the dinghy and Josh and Hannah decided to swim back to the boat (madness)!

A cracking day sailing even though many were seasick.

All times are UTC.

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 8h 00m 52 6.50 9.00 0h 0m
Trip: 8h 00m 52 6.50 9.00 0h 0m

Crew: Andy Brown (Skipper), Lauren, Josh, Glyn, Robert L, Jack O, Hannah B, Sandy and MACS crew.

Sunrise: 0445 hrs Sunset: 2003 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 3 Aug 2023 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 4 Aug 2023

Issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Thu 3 Aug 2023

Portland, Plymouth

West 6 to gale 8, veering northwest 4 to 6. Rough or very rough, becoming moderate or rough. Showers. Moderate or good

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 03/08/2023

OYT MACS Trip Day 1 - Brixham

Wednesday 2nd August 2023

0800 hrs

After breakfast we start the long list of tasks before the crew arrived. The usual long list of daily and weekly checks followed by 'the deck walk', where we go through all the systems and refresh our memories on how the boat works and what has changed since we were last onboard.

1100 hrs

The Sainsbury’s van arrived at the marina office with the weekly food delivery, by this time the sky had opened and Torbay was doing its best to be a Scottish summer, with waterproof jackets, shorts and sandals we unloaded the van, moved the food into bags, loaded the trolleys, moved everything to the boat, loaded the bags onto the boat and finally stowed everything in the food lockers, freezer and fridges.

Following all that time for a mug of tea and a quick lunch.

1300 hrs

The crew started to arrive as they were joining from all over the UK arrived at the varying times between 1300 and 1500.

After everybody arrived we sat round the table, introduced ourselves and tried to remember names, something I always struggle with! Most of the crew had sailed together in the past and they were at a distinct advantage.

Following the introductions there is a whirlwind of safety, galley and heads briefings. I was allocated the 'fun event' of handing out waterproofs. Just to finish things off we had a 'dry run' Man Over Board and a evacuation drill. The latter so that everybody could get out to the deck quickly.

Looking at the forecast it was agreed that we would not depart until the morning.

All times are UTC.

Crew: Andy Brown (Skipper), Lauren, Josh, Glyn, Robert L, Jack O, Hannah B, Sandy and MACS crew.

Sunrise: 0445 hrs Sunset: 2003 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 2 Aug 2023 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 3 Aug 2023

Issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 00:15 (UTC+1) on Wed 2 Aug 2023

Portland, Plymouth, Biscay

West or southwest 5 to 7, increasing gale 8 or severe gale 9 for a time. Moderate or rough, becoming rough or very rough in Portland and very rough or high elsewhere. Rain or thundery showers. Good, occasionally poor

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© Met Office Synoptic Chart 02/08/2023

OYT MACS Trip - Pre Voyage

Tuesday 1st August 2023

I usually sail with the OYT at the start or end of their season as many of their volunteer sea staff are at university and can only sail in the summer holidays. Usually when I sail with them the weather is a tad more robust. So I was rather looking forward to some lovely was summer sailing after reading the email allocating me to a voyage in August. Warm summer days, balmy evenings with an orange juice in hand watching the sun set. Tee-shirt and shorts sailing.

Joining Prolific 24 hours before the crew allows a good hand the boat over from one sea staff team to another, do any maintenance jobs, enjoy a meal and a beer before the crew arrive.

Arriving in Brixham it was good to bump into Glyn, a member of sea staff I had sailed with before, in the car park as was able to walk down to the boat and catch up with the news before getting onboard.

One of the local lifeboat coxswains, James, joined us for dinner at The Blue Anchor. The craic was good, the beer was good, but the food was disappointing at the prices they were charging. Note to self: Not on my list of fab places to eat in Brixham.