Sunday 24th March 2024
0000 hrs
Lat: 50° 45.26'N Long: 001° 31.67'W
0700 hrs
Climbed on deck to a stunning sunny morning. The plan for the day was to get Prolific back to Ocean Village for some 'tight space' manoeuvring for Constantinos and Andrew. While I was enjoying the sunshine on deck Andrew was out with his drone and taking some stunning shots of the boat on the pontoon.

Prolific alongside at Royal Lymington YC
© Andrew Wilkes 23/03/2024

Prolific alongside at Royal Lymington YC
© Andrew Wilkes 23/03/2024
0810 hrs
Slipped the lines and followed the ferry down the river. At the mouth of the marked channel the yacht club have a platform with a hut and small balcony on it, clearly used for racing, but I wondered if it is an AirBnB.
A gentle motor up the western Solent then as we turned into Southampton Water and head to wind we raised the main then one by one put all three reefs in checking that everything was running smoothly.
1100 hrs
Arrived Ocean Village and then started on the hard work of 'parking in tight spaces'. Thankfully, no bumps to either boats or pontoons.
1300 hrs
With all the practice done it was time to finally tie up, have lunch, prep the boat for handover. While several Sea Staff were staying onboard I headed home.
A very enjoyable few days working the boat with just Sea Staff allowing us to refresh our skills without a crew of young people and put the boat through its paces in heavy weather.
All times are UTC.
The Numbers for Prolific
Distance NM |
Underway | Avg SOG knots |
Max SOG knots |
Night Hours |
Day: | 13.42 | 4h 50m | 2.78 | 8.00 | 0h 00m |
Trip: | 71.25 | 17h 35m | 3.93 | 12.00 | 0h 00m |
Year: | 71.25 | 17h 35m | 3.93 | 12.00 | 0h 00m |
Crew: Constantinos (Skipper), James B, Josh, Andrew W, Tom K, Robert J, Sara A, Rooby, Juliette D and Sandy.
Sunrise: 0542 hrs Sunset: 1931 hrs
Weather: Forecast valid from: 00:00 (UTC) on Sun 24 Mar 2024 until 00:00 (UTC) on Mon 25 Mar 2024
Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth, North Biscay
Westerly or northwesterly 4 to 6, becoming variable 2 to 4 later, then becoming southerly 5 later in Plymouth. Moderate or rough, becoming slight or moderate later. Showers, then rain later in Plymouth. Good, becoming moderate later in Plymouth.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 24/03/2024