Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Spinnaker off Rame Head!

Alex has kindly offered to crew from Plymouth to Edinburgh on my round Britain trip this summer and as we had not sailed together since our trip on Jammy Dodger last year we thought it might be a good idea if we got together and do some sailing before we set off on a 700 NM voyage.

Alex and Sandy Plymouth Sound. Credit Alex Bowling

With light winds forecast and a spinnaker that has not been flown since I bought Aphrodite, and I don't believe the previous owners ever used it, and a crew that had never flown one! What could possibly go wrong? It looked an ideal ideal day to try it out. But first we wanted a few miles under the keel and headed out towards the Eastern Entrance of Plymouth Sound. With a plan of heading east towards the mouth of the Yealm before tacking and crossing Plymouth Sound to Rame Head where we would try out the kite.

While still north of the breakwater and as we were hoisting the main and genoa a MOD Police RIB came over and requested that we keep well clear as a warship (HMS Enterprise) heading out from Devonport. Slight change of plan, we kept to the north of the breakwater while the gray ship passed and slipped out of the western entrance behind her before turning east for the Yealm.

Just off Rame Head I called up the National Coastwatch Institute Lookout Station for a radio check as it had been some time since I'd used the VHF and they promptly came back saying they could hear me loud and clear, and I was visible on AIS and Radar. All systems working. I'll need to do a check much further out to sea to find out the range that I have from the boat.

First Ever Spinnaker Hoist. Credit Alex Bowling

Crew: Sandy Garrity, Alex Bowling

Trip Stats: Distance: 21 nm, Avg speed: 2.90 knots, Max speed: 7.00 knots, Under way: 5 h 45 m.

Weather: Inshore waters forecast to 12 miles offshore 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 16 Jun 2021 to 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 17 Jun 2021

Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly

24 hour forecast: Variable 2 or 3, becoming northwest 4 or 5 later. Smooth or slight east of the Lizard peninsula, otherwise slight or moderate becoming moderate or rough. Drizzle and fog patches for a time in far west, thundery rain later in east. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor in far west.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Off Round the Sound Again

With the weather being settled I took the boat out for more single handed 'familiarisation' and to enjoy being out on the water on a glorious day.

One small issue, most unusually the wind is from the north and my pontoon finger is nicely situated that in the prevailing southwesterlies I get blown on. Today I am being blown off. Never fear, 'Stress Free Sailing' has the answer and I rig the boat for departure and wait for a lul in the wind and we are off.

Crew: Sandy Garrity

Trip Stats: Distance: 9 nm, Avg speed: 4.20 knots, Max speed: 7.00 knots, Under way: 2 h 50m.

Weather: Inshore waters forecast to 12 miles offshore 13:00 (UTC+1) on Sat 12 Jun 2021 to 13:00 (UTC+1) on Sun 13 Jun 2021

Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly

24 hour forecast: Southwest veering north, 3 or 4, veering east 2 to 4 later. Smooth or slight, occasionally moderate west of the Lizard. Fair. Good.

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

A Quiet Sail - Plymouth Sound

As the weather was quiet and I wanted some 'reacquainting' myself with the boat, giving me time to listen to what sounds she made and pull sails up and down with no or little pressure of wind I took Aphrodite out for a sail on the seaward side of the breakwater. Nothing dramatic, just the feel of a gentle breeze in the sails, the sun on my face was just what was needed and perhaps a workout of sailing muscles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crew: Sandy Garrity ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weather: Inshore waters forecast to 12 miles offshore 01:00 (UTC+1) on Tue 8 Jun 2021 to 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 9 Jun 2021 Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly 24 hour forecast: Southerly or southwesterly, becoming variable at times mainly in east, 2 to 4. Smooth or slight, but slight or moderate west of the Lizard peninsula. Fair. Good. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trip Stats: Distance: 8 nm, Average speed: 3.60 knots, Maximum speed: 6.00 knots, Under way: 2 h 15 m, Sailing hours: 1 h 45 m, Engine hours: 0 h 30 m.

Friday, June 04, 2021

Instrument Calibration - Plymouth Sound

My reports of speed over ground (SOG) and speed through the water (STW) surprised a couple of my friends in the marina. In other words they were highly skeptical and we arranged to do some 'calibration' with Steve on Red Snapper.

As I had a bit more work to do on Aphrodite to do, there seems to be a lot of that at the moment. Steve headed out for a few hours sailing before meeting up at the Eastern Entrance of Plymouth Sound around high water when there would be little movement in tide and we could check speeds with each other.

As I had a bit more work to do on Aphrodite to do, there seems to be a lot of that at the moment. Steve headed out for a few hours sailing before meeting up at the Eastern Entrance of Plymouth Sound around high water when there would be little movement in tide and we could check speeds with each other.

I motored out about 1230 UTC and watched HMS Scott, one of the Royal Navy's survey ships depart the sound, and just before 1330 Steve came over and tests commenced.

Waiting for Steve to conduct trials. Credit Steve Roffe

Lining the two boats up we headed off under engine, giving us more control over speed, on the same heading.

Above the sound of two engines we failed to hear each other and resorted to calling each other on the mobile phone, calling out the speeds we were displaying. Much to everybody else's surprise they were almost identical. One more check in the box on boat preparation before heading to Kirkwall.

Tests completed Steve headed west to Cawsands and I turned back to King Point.

Steve on Red Snapper

Crew: Sandy Garrity

Trip Stats: Distance: 7.8 nm, Average speed: 4.00 knots, Maximum speed: 6.00 knots, Under way: 2 h 00 m, Sailing hours: 0 h 00 m, Engine hours: 2 h 00 m.

Weather: Issued by the Met Office at 01:01 (UTC+1) on Fri 4 Jun 2021

Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly

24 hour forecast: Variable 2 to 4, becoming southwest 3 to 5 for a time later. Mainly moderate in far west, otherwise smooth or slight. Fair. Good.

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Single Handed - Plymouth Sound

The time had come to sort out some rusty skills and handle the boat on my own. I headed down to the boat and took ages getting her ready to take out. There is always some nervous anticipation the first time in a season when you let go or the pontoon or mooring on your own.

You know that you need to deal with anything and that is why I find single handing so rewarding. Got a problem, up to you to fix it.

Having 'faffed' about checking and rechecking things I finally set Aphrodite for sea, everything stowed below, sails ready to be hoisted and unfurled, engine on, spring line set and mooring lines let go. I was off.

Left the mooring without damaging any gelcoat, set off towards the marina entrance through Millbay, passed Drakes Island and into Plymouth Sound. Thankfully not too many boats about. Made my way over towards Jennycliffe to seek some shelter from the wind to haul the main sail and away from sets of eyes as I knew this was not going to be pretty.

Hoisted the main, a slight tangle in the lazy jacks that was easy to sort out. Settled down with the main up and the engine in neutral while I got used to the boat under sail again - it had been some time since I had last sailed. Finally pulled the genoa out to its first reefing point, turned off the engine and off she flew!

7 knots SOG and over 8 STW

With visibility beginning to close in, the Met Office had it right I dropped the sails and motored back to the berth.

Brian, who occupies the next berth, came over to help with the lines or perhaps to check I was careful with his gelcoat and I glided into my slot. Tidied up the sails and went below for a cup of tea. On emerging Drakes Island was shrouded in fog.

Crew: Sandy Garrity

Trip Stats: Distance: XX nm, Average speed: X.XX knots, Maximum speed: X.XX knots, Under way: X h XX m, Sailing hours: X h XX m, Engine hours: x h XX m.

Weather: Inshore waters forecast to 12 miles offshore 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 2 Jun 2021 to 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 3 Jun 2021

24 hour forecast: Easterly or northeasterly, veering southeasterly, 3 to 5, then veering southerly or southwesterly 2 to 4 later. Slight or moderate, becoming smooth or slight later in lyme bay. Thundery showers, fog patches later. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor later