Showing posts with label Solent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solent. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2024

OYT: Trip 09 of 2024 - Day 4

Friday 26th April 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

1300 hrs

Slipped lines and headed out past the the Cowes Breakwater. On the main hoist a line got tangled and it took some time to fix. I helmed, attempting to keep Prolific 'on station', using a couple of transits. A useful exercise in keeping the boat still.

1500 hrs

An afternoon in the east Solent tacking and gybing in some fresh winds.

1900 hrs

At anchor in Ryde Bay, dinner and sorted out the night navigation exercise back to Ocean Village.

2100 hrs

Anchor raised crew take over command and pilot Prolific into the north channel, then up Southampton Water to Ocean Village.

0000 hrs

Tied up alongside, time for a coffee and then bed.

All times are UTC.

The Log

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 20.00 9h 45m 10.00 17.00 3h 00m
Trip: 148.00 7h 15m 3.80 17.00 3h 00m
Year: 140.00 31h 26m 3.84 17.00 3h 00m

Crew: Constantinos, Lauren, Glyn, Katie, Willoughby, Vince, Sandy and the school crew.

Sunrise: 0425 hrs Sunset: 1950 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 26 Apr 2024 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Sat 27 Apr 2024

Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth

Cyclonic 3 to 5, occasionally easterly or northeasterly 6 in north Wight and north Portland. Slight or moderate, but rough for a time in west Plymouth. Rain or showers. Good, occasionally poor

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 26/04/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 26/04/2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024

OYT: Trip 09 of 2024 - Day 3

Thursday 25th April 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

0705 hrs

Cast off from the quay. The crew had been advised that we were leaving early, but still managed to go ashore to use the facilities and got back on time, just.

1200 hrs

Lat: 50° 37.62'N Long: 001° 43.28'W

Having made good time running on over the bay with both the main and mizzen well out and preventors deployed. The watch on deck were informed that we would be entering the Solent via the north passage, to dodge some of the tide, and get a good look at Hurst Point.

In a big boat it looked like we were going to ram the beach, lets not mention the poorly marked pots! Eventually we changed course by 90° and were running parallel to the beach with the wind building. With one reef in the mizzen, a full main and the jib hoisted we were charging along at about 8 knots.

Passing Hurst Point we noticed a catamaran to port that was exiting the Solent and was either asleep or looking at their phone. Lauren, on the helm, let go with five blasts on the horn as both vessels were travelling at speed had a huge grin on her face.

Vince came forward and reported that we were recording a F7, wind against tide would be interesting, but we were still making 7 knots over the round. Things were brisk!

1650 hrs

All tied fast back at Cowes Yacht Haven. As we were entering Cowes I noticed a World War II Spitfire overhead.

All times are UTC.

The Log

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 59.00 9h 45m 10.00 17.00 0h 00m
Trip: 129.50 18h 51m 3.80 17.00 0h 00m
Year: 140.00 31h 26m 3.84 17.00 0h 00m

Crew: Constantinos, Lauren, Glyn, Katie, Willoughby, Vince, Sandy and the school crew.

Sunrise: 0425 hrs Sunset: 1950 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 25 Apr 2024 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 26 Apr 2024

Dover, Wight, Portland

Variable 2 or 3, becoming west or southwest 4 to 6 for a time. Smooth or slight, occasionally moderate in Dover and Wight. Showers. Good, occasionally moderate.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 25/04/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 25/04/2024

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

OYT: Trip 09 of 2024 - Day 2

Wednesday 24th April 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

0730 hrs

Awake and quietly left the boat to check out the showers. Oh dear, another marina who's architect has no idea what a sailor needs from an amenity block. I want somewhere that I can undress with ease, can hang up my kit, can sit, has a screen that keeps my kit dry and don't need to press a wee button to keep the supply of warmish water running.

Despite not being the greatest showers on the planet the place was busy – even with muzak playing insistently. Showered and shaved I returned back to the boat for breakfast.

0954 hrs

Cast off from the pontoon heading for Weymouth, Dorset. On leaving the river Medina we turned to the west, raised the sails and motor sailed down the western Solent in light winds.

1500 hrs

Just off St Albans Ledge, an interesting standing wave on the ledge, the wind filled in and we were able to turn off the engine and properly sail. Man overboard under sail followed in quite quiet conditions.

The ranges were pretty active and the sound of the guns could clearly be heared.

1815 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

Arrived Weymouth. My second visit to this wee town, must try and get back and explore it one day.

The crew departed for a walk round town and to the beach. Where one or two got rather wet.

2200 hrs

The day's work done I finally was able to have a shower.

All times are UTC.

The Numbers for Prolific

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 50.00 6h 21m 7.90 10.00 0h 00m
Trip: 60.50 9h 06m 6.66 10.00 0h 00m
Year: 140.00 31h 26m 3.84 12.00 0h 00m

Crew: Constantinos, Lauren, Glyn, Katie, Willoughby, Vince, Sandy and the school crew.

Sunrise: 0425 hrs Sunset: 1950 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 24 Apr 2024 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 25 Apr 2024

Wight, Portland, Plymouth

Variable 2 to 4 in Portland, elsewhere north or northwest 3 to 5, becoming variable 2 to 4. Smooth or slight, occasionally moderate. Showers. Good, occasionally moderate.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 24/04/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 24/04/2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

OYT: Trip 09 of 2024 - Day 1

Tuesday 23rd April 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 53.71'N Long: 001° 23.50'W

I had driven up to Southampton the previous day to assist on one of Prolific’s maintenance days. After doing several tasks the Sea Staff went out for dinner and a couple of pints at one of the places in Ocean Village.

1300 hrs

The group from Greig City Academy, who run the boat Scaramouch, from north London school joined the boat.

1515 hrs

Cast off from the pontoon heading for Cowes. We had left the pontoon with enough tide to get out of the berth and then slowly motored down the Itchen and Southampton Water giving the usual winch drills.

Before entering Cowes we watched, Triana, one of the Golden Globe Race 2023 competitors complete their round the world adventure. While not a fan of these 'back to the golden age of sailing' events it was interesting to watch a lone sailing boat surrounded by lots of excited people in ribs.

1800 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

Alongside at Cowes Yacht Haven, a new venue to me as we usually come alongside at Sheppards when in Cowes.

All times are UTC.

The Numbers for Prolific

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 10.50 2h 45m 3.80 5.00 0h 00m
Trip: 10.50 2h 45m 3.80 5.00 0h 00m
Year: 81.50 22h 20m 3.65 12.00 0h 00m

Crew: Constantinos, Lauren, Glyn, Katie, Willoughby, Vince, Sandy and the school crew.

Sunrise: 0425 hrs Sunset: 1950 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Tue 23 Apr 2024 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 24 Apr 2024

Wight, Portland, Plymouth

North or northeast, backing northwest for a time, 3 to 5. Slight or moderate in Plymouth, but elsewhere smooth or slight. Occasional rain. Good, occasionally moderate.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 23/04/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 23/04/2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024

OYT Shakedown - Day 2

Saturday 23rd March 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.62'N Long: 001° 17.60'W

0900 hrs

Slipped our lines at Sheppards and headed up river to the fuel barge that opened at 1000 hrs. On going up river I spotted a boat that I last saw in Scarborough back in 2021, and latter dropped them a message saying I had spotted them.

1000 hrs

Alongside the fuel barge Josh and Rooby tended the refuelling while the rest of the crew had a 'happy hour', boat cleaning.

1130 hrs

Fuelling complete. Thankfully, I was not paying, but wondered if they give Nectar Points.

As we entered the Solent we could see some very dark angry squalls to the west of us and waited until they had passed before raising the mizzen and the staysail.

In a matter of half an hour the day had changed from a pleasant spring morning to a cold and very wet day, but the squall soon passed and we got to work putting the boat through he paces making sure that she good for the start of the season.

After several hours of sailing to windward and lots of tacks it was decided to call into Lymington, not one of the usual ports of call on the Solent, for the night.

image host

Prolific tacking in the Solent

1530 hrs

We dropped the anchor to the east of the channel into Lymington to wait for the tide. Sitting in 40 knots of wind with the rain lashing the boat watching it from 'the shed' was quite comfortable, in an open boat things would have been very wet.

1630 hrs

The weather had cleared and the anchor lifted before we followed the ferry into Lymington. Andrew being a member of Royal Lymington Yacht Club had arranged for us to tie up to their pontoon for the night.

1730 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.26'N Long: 001° 31.67'W

After a couple of practice parks, which attracted quite a large audience, we tied up alongside and Andrew left for his own boat. House rules state that you must fly a club pennant when alongside.

After supper we piled into the bar and enjoyed a few beers - I enjoyed the atmosphere in the club to the hurly burley of the pub in Cowes the previous evening. Several club members came over and asked about the boat and the charity.

Sounds like Prolific holds the record for the largest boat to come alongside.

All times are UTC.

The Numbers for Prolific

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 23.25 6h 00m 3.87 10.00 0h 00m
Trip: 57.85 12h 45m 4.50 12.00 0h 00m
Year: 57.85 12h 45m 4.50 12.00 0h 00m

Crew: Constantinos (Skipper), James B, Josh, Andrew W, Tom K, Robert J, Sara A, Rooby, Juliette D and Sandy.

Sunrise: 0602 hrs Sunset: 1824 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 00:00 (UTC) on Sat 23 Mar 2024 until 00:00 (UTC) on Sun 24 Mar 2024.

Wight, Portland, Plymouth

West or northwest 5 to 7. Moderate or rough, becoming rough or very rough in west and south Plymouth. Squally showers. Good, occasionally moderate.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 23/03/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 23/03/2024

Friday, March 22, 2024

OYT Shakedown - Day 1

Friday 22nd March 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 53.71'N Long: 001° 23.50'W

There had been a call for volunteers for a Sea Staff only trip on Prolific before the start of the season to give the new skipper and first mate some practice parking the boat and to check out the rigging as both masts had been out over the winter. I thought it would be good to go along as it gave me some time on the boat before my first trip of the season.

I drove up on the day before and met up with most of the Sea Staff onboard the boat. Prolific was not on her usual mooring as all of the pontoons on the south side of Ocean Village were out of the water for dredging and I found her on the north side of the hotel.

0800 hrs

The remaining sea staff arrived and twenty minutes later the two riggers from Allspars turned up with their kit.

0930 hrs

Slipped the mooring at Ocean Village and headed out. By the time we joined Southampton Water the staysail, main and mizzen had all been hoisted for the riggers to complete their checks. Very quickly the jib followed, I've never seen all of the sails up so promptly.

We scuttled down Southampton water with the riggers looking intently at the rigging, feeling it with their hands and tightening it with massive spanners. Then much to my surprise climbed the rigging on the way back up Southampton water with 25 knots of apparent wind. Glad I don't do that for a living!

Rigger at work

Rigger at work

1215 hrs

With the riggers work completed we dropped the sails and returned to Ocean Village. Dropped them off for their next job and had lunch.

1330 hrs

Lunch finished we set off again, but this time purely under engine for some 'pontoon bashing' at Trinity Landing in Cowes.

The next few hours were spent parking Prolific to the landing and much to my surprise I was invited to park the boat! With the Staff Skipper beside me I carefully manoeuvred the boat next to the pontoon and successfully brought her alongside without scratching the paintwork or bashing the pontoon.

Prolific alongside Trinity Landing, Cowes

Prolific alongside Trinity Landing, Cowes.

Prolific setting up for another attempt at parking

Prolific setting up for another park.

1730 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.62'N Long: 001° 17.60'W

Tied up along side at Sheppards Marina in Cowes.

Just after we tied up alongside Willoughby, one of the OYT Sea Staff, popped in to say hello.

Following supper we ajourned to The Anchor Inn to quench our thurst. A rather busy pub full of yachties.

The Numbers for Prolific

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 34.60 6h 45m 5.12 12.00 0h 00m
Trip: 34.60 6h 45m 5.12 12.00 0h 00m
Year: 34.60 6h 45m 5.12 12.00 0h 00m

Crew: Constantinos (Skipper), James B, Josh, Andrew W, Tom K, Robert J, Sara A, Rooby, Juliette D and Sandy.

Sunrise: 0604 hrs Sunset: 1822 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 00:00 (UTC) on Fri 22 Mar 2024 until 00:00 (UTC) on Sat 23 Mar 2024.

Dover, Wight, Portland, Plymouth

Southwest veering northwest 4 to 6. Slight or moderate, occasionally rough in Plymouth. Occasional rain or drizzle. Moderate or good, occasionally poor.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 22/03/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 22/03/2024