Showing posts with label Dorset. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dorset. Show all posts

OYT: Trip 09 of 2024 - Day 2

Wednesday 24th April 2024

0000 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

0730 hrs

Awake and quietly left the boat to check out the showers. Oh dear, another marina who's architect has no idea what a sailor needs from an amenity block. I want somewhere that I can undress with ease, can hang up my kit, can sit, has a screen that keeps my kit dry and don't need to press a wee button to keep the supply of warmish water running.

Despite not being the greatest showers on the planet the place was busy – even with muzak playing insistently. Showered and shaved I returned back to the boat for breakfast.

0954 hrs

Cast off from the pontoon heading for Weymouth, Dorset. On leaving the river Medina we turned to the west, raised the sails and motor sailed down the western Solent in light winds.

1500 hrs

Just off St Albans Ledge, an interesting standing wave on the ledge, the wind filled in and we were able to turn off the engine and properly sail. Man overboard under sail followed in quite quiet conditions.

The ranges were pretty active and the sound of the guns could clearly be heared.

1815 hrs

Lat: 50° 45.70'N Long: 001° 17.67'W

Arrived Weymouth. My second visit to this wee town, must try and get back and explore it one day.

The crew departed for a walk round town and to the beach. Where one or two got rather wet.

2200 hrs

The day's work done I finally was able to have a shower.

All times are UTC.

The Numbers for Prolific

Underway Avg SOG
Day: 50.00 6h 21m 7.90 10.00 0h 00m
Trip: 60.50 9h 06m 6.66 10.00 0h 00m
Year: 140.00 31h 26m 3.84 12.00 0h 00m

Crew: Constantinos, Lauren, Glyn, Katie, Willoughby, Vince, Sandy and the school crew.

Sunrise: 0425 hrs Sunset: 1950 hrs

Weather: Forecast valid from: 01:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 24 Apr 2024 until 01:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 25 Apr 2024

Wight, Portland, Plymouth

Variable 2 to 4 in Portland, elsewhere north or northwest 3 to 5, becoming variable 2 to 4. Smooth or slight, occasionally moderate. Showers. Good, occasionally moderate.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 24/04/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 24/04/2024