First Sail of 2019

Leaving the house in thick mist and driving down the A30 in dense fog I arrived in Plymouth bathed in sunshine, popped into the local CO-OP and purchased some food for lunch and arrived at the boat to be confronted by this beautiful still morning view.

A beautiful February morning

The marina was a hive of activity, people I had not seen for months were down checking their boats and passing the time of day.

Around 1000 hrs, Stuart and Jane Hall arrived for some sailing and a bit of pontoon bashing. We had a brew and slipped the lines with the firm intention of spending a couple of hours trying not to scrape the gel coat off the boat. As we left the marina I though sod it, let's take advantage of this beautiful day and get a bit of sailing done, so we put the fenders away and struck out for a play in Plymouth Sound.

Jane and Stuart Hall

Crew: Sandy Garrity, Stuart Hall and Jane Hall.

Trip Stats: Distance: 7.90 nm, Avg speed: 2.30 knots, Max speed: 5.00 knots, Under way: 3 h 25 m

Weather Issued: Inshore Waters Forecast to 12 miles offshore for the period 0000 UTC Saturday 23 February to 0000 UTC Sunday 24 February 2019

Lyme Regis to Lands End including the Isles of Scilly

Wind: Southeasterly 4 or 5, occasionally 6 in west, becoming variable 3 or 4 later. Sea State: Moderate or rough, occasionally slight in shelter in east. Weather: Occasional rain and fog patches later Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally very poor later.