Thursday 18th August 2022
0000 hrs
Lat: 48° 27.0'N
Long: 005° 05.99'W
A very peaceful night in this lovely anchorage. I must return one day.
Dropped the mooring buoy and started on the last hop to Falmouth. Looking distances we had about a hundred miles to run and it felt like just a short hop over La Manche to Cornwall
0900 hrs
Lat: 48° 32.39'N
Long: 005° 06.95'W
We had come out into a lumpy chop, but the sun was shining and the coastline, including several spectacular lighthouses was stunning.
1000 hrs
Lat: 48° 37.75'N
Long: 005° 03.10'W
The French Coastguard and several fishing vessels out searching for a MOB from a fishing vessel last night. Another reminder that the sea needs to be respected.
Several dolphins, gannets and shearwaters spotted.
All times are UTC.
Underway | Distance | Avg SOG |
Max SOG |
Night Hours |
Day: | 24h 00m | 82.10 | 5.75 | 7.00 | 5h 17m |
Trip: | 5d 08h 30m | 911.80 | 6.29 | 7.00 |
Crew: Dan Judges (Skipper), Stuart Corbett, Sandy Garrity
Sunrise: 0515 hrs Sunset: 1935 hrs
Weather: Forecast valid from: 19:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 18 Aug 2022 until 19:00 (UTC+1) on Fri 19 Aug 2022
Portland, Plymouth
West or southwest, veering northwest, 3 to 5. Smooth or slight at first in Portland, otherwise slight or moderate, occasionally rough later in west Plymouth. Thundery showers, fog patches. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 18/08/2022
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