
Faro to Falmouth – Day 3


0000 hrs

Lat: 36° 58.96'N Long: 008° 46.82'W

0500 hrs

Lat: 36° 59.26'N Long: 007° 56.74'W

I'm up for the sunrise watch, one of the best of the day and it is turning out to be a stunning morning. Brilliant sunshine, no wind and a glassy sea. The only down side was the noise of the engine.

0600 hrs

Lat: 37° 23.02'N Long: 008° 56.82'W

0900 hrs

Lat: 37° 39.77'N Long: 008° 54.54'W

1115 hrs

Lat: 37° 57.05'N Long: 008° 51.97'W

As we did not have a fuel gauge onboard we pulled into Sines to top up the tank and give us an idea of consumption. Given the port has a major oil refinery we weaved through the anchored ships and made our way into the marina only to find that they closed for lunch between 1 and 3 pm. Giving us time to check the boat for leaks and any damage since launch. Shock horror when we found the bilge full of water thankfully fresh. After refilling the tanks we found that a hose had split flooding the bilge. Given the lack of wind it was decided that fresh water would need to be purchased in containers for the rest of the voyage and two of us were quickly dispatched by taxi for supplies of fresh water from Aldi.

The journey back to the boat was not as easy as all of the taxis had gone for lunch and left us standing outside the supermarket pondering how we would get 50 litres of back to the boat. My crew-mate, having much better language skills than me, asked a family if it they could help. Very kindly they offered to take us the mile or so back to the marina. Mum and children jumped out of the car, we filled the car with us and 10 containers of water, and dad drove us back to the marina. A simple act of kindness that was greatly appreciated.

The marina staff duly arrived after lunch, we filled the fuel tank and after a quick swim to inspect the hull we set off again.

1330 hrs

Departed Sines. A lovely town. Must try and get back one day.

1400 hrs

I'm on watch and there is a problem with the auto helm. Dan pulls it apart and sets about fixing it. It is a long way to hand steer, but this is what we will need to do with no wind to drive the Hydrovane.

1800 hrs

Lat: 38° 09.76'N Long: 009° 02.41'W

2100 hrs

Lat: 38° 24.42'N Long: 009° 14.01'W

All times are UTC.

Trip Stats

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 21h 45m 114.00 5.00 6.00 -h -m
Trip: 34h 15m 167.20 4.88 6.00 4h 30m

Crew: Dan Judges (Skipper), Stuart Corbett, Sandy Garrity

Sunrise: 0543 hrs Sunset: 1930 hrs

Weather: The shipping forecast issued by the Met Office, on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, at 05:05 (UTC+1) on Wed 10 Aug 2022 for the period 07:00 (UTC+1) on Wed 10 Aug 2022 to 07:00 (UTC+1) on Thu 11 Aug 2022.

Trafalgar (issued 2315 UTC)

Westerly or northwesterly, but variable at times in north, 2 to 4, occasionally 5 at first in far northwest. Moderate in west, slight in east. Fog patches near silver coast. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor near silver coast.

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 08/08/2024

© Met Office Synoptic Chart 08/08/2024

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