Faro to Falmouth – Day 5


0000 hrs

Lat: 40° 55.47'N Long: 009° 20.34'W

0200 hrs

Lat: 41° 13.97'N Long: 009° 19.55'W

My turn for the night watch. Took over the watch from Stuart. All quiet on board and no traffic about.

It is my daughter's 20th birthday and I wish her a happy birthday via the stars.

A flat calm and very little cloud. In the distance I spotted a cruise liner. Wonder where they are off to? A shooting star spotted about 0320, the Perseids shower is happening about now.

0500 hrs

Lat: 41° 32.36'N Long: 009° 18.78'W

Still heading north, with 3 knots of true wind so the engine is off. Dan takes over and I head down to my bunk and the drone of the engine.

1100 hrs

Lat: 42° 05.20'N Long: 009° 16.96'W

The mid-day watch. We think there is a minke whale off to our starboard, just a small fin breaking the surface.

1200 hrs

Lat: 42° 10.47'N Long: 009° 18.58'W

At 1245 we defently spotted a whale off the starboard bow

All times are UTC.

Trip Stats

Underway Distance Avg
Day: 24h 00m 133.00 5.54 6.00 -h -m
Trip: 82h 15m 439.20 - 6.00 -h -m

Crew: Dan Judges (Skipper), Stuart Corbett, Sandy Garrity

Sunrise: 0543 hrs Sunset: 1930 hrs

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