A post that will move in time over the winter as I record the jobs I need to do and when I have done them.
The Mast
There are a number of jobs that I need to do on the mast. Having discussed them with the yard I've decided to have it unstepped, do the work at ground level, then get it stepped again. I can then work at my own pace and ensure that the work is done to my satisfaction.
I no longer have a head for working at height.
The Windex
The windex has a habit of 'helicoptering' on certain points of sail, it whizzes round and round, as the masthead lights give an odd airflow. Which while not critical is a mild source of both amusement and irritation.
Either I need to raise the pointer higher on the antenna or get a new bracket to move the entire antenna above the level of the lamps.
Radar Reflector
On several occasions I've had halyards get trapped behind the radar reflector, easy to do it you are single handed and not controlling tension on the line, but a real pain in the butt to get the line back to its correct place.
My cunning plan is to run a line from the port shroud round the front radar reflector, perhaps with a clove hitch round the reflector, and connect it to the starboard shroud. The idea being the halyard cannot get behind the reflector.
Lazy Jack Connectors
Currently the lazy jacks run about three quarters up the mast, go through a block that is connected to the mast via a couple of D connectors that are pop riveted on. As a result I consider the slot that the sail falls into when lowering to high and narrow.
Planning remove the D connectors and blocks from the mast and have the lazy jacks over the spreaders, perhaps in plastic tubing to prevent chafe.
Mousing Lines
I've lost one of my mousing lines!
This needs replacing. I suspect that I'll just get all the halyards in place with the mast down.
Sail Track Clean
In my ownership I've not cleaned the sail track, just added more and more silcone lubricant. Now it the time to give the track a good clean.
Steaming/Deck Lights
The bulb of the steaming light is unknown and the deck lamp is missing.
Need to record the steaming light and sort out a deck light.
Replace the Topping Lift
The topping lift is of unknown age. I've decided to replace it with a second 10mm line that I can use as a spare main halyard.
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