
The Winter's Job List

A summary of the work done on the boat over the winter.

Bilges cleaned: Clearly a job that had not been done since she was built! Floor lifted and bilges scrubbed, perhaps a lick of paint next time I do this job.

Hull cleaned, polished and waxed: The hull does need a bit of TLC that I have not been able to do since I took over stewardship and I had a few fun, but very tiring days with the jet wash, soap and water followed by polish and wax. I do need to follow this up over the summer with a good go over the deck.

Anti fouled and anode checked: The hull was actually quite clean once the muck from the river had been jet washed off. My original plan was not to anti-foul her this year but I knew she would not be lifted out until summer 2019 I slapped on a coat of primer and a coat of anti-foul. I'll keep an eye on the fouling over the next 18 months before she gets hauled out, blasted back to grp and coppercoat applied.

The engine serviced: This was the major work over the winter. In order to really sort out the fuel problem the tank was removed, drained and steam cleaned. The fuel lines replaced and a new "easy access" primary fuel filter installed in the engine bay. I hope this sorts out the bug problem that I've had. I do need to be able to control now that I am in a marina. Looking forward to testing the engine.

Clevis pins replaced on the back-stay adjuster, it really was time these were replaced.

Clevis pin replaced on the boom.

Wiring from switch panel to the base of the mast upgraded to tinned copper. The start of the job of getting the wiring up to a modern specification. This small section of wire is the start of a total rewire that I want to do over the next few years.

Battery monitor installed giving volts and amps currently used. This will save having to lift the bunk in the rear cabin to take a reading on each battery.

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